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MCSnmp Class Reference

Basic Snmp session to a target. More...

#include <mcllib/snmp/MCSnmp.h>

Inheritance diagram for MCSnmp:

MCBase List of all members.

Public Member Functions

MCPdu get (const MCPdu &pdu)
 Get the specified object(s) and return the result.
MCPdu getBulk (const MCPdu &pdu, mcuint32 nonReps, mcuint32 reps)
 GetBulk the specified object(s) and return the result nonReps is the number of objects in the pdu to get any other objects in the pdu are getNext'd reps times.
MCPdu getNext (const MCPdu &pdu)
 GetNext the specified object(s) and return the result If the target is v2 and the pdu is length 1 it will do getBulk(pdu, 0, N) where N is a built in constant.
 MCSnmp (const MCSnmpTarget &target)
 Initialize with the specified target.
void set (const MCPdu &pdu)
 Set the specified object/variable(s) to the target.
MCPdu walk (const MCPdu &pdu)
 Walk the target starting at the first object in the pdu.

Detailed Description

Basic Snmp session to a target.

Functionality is get/getNext/set. The getNext takes into account the protocol in use for this session If v2 then bulk operations are performed walk does a getNext until the returned oid has a different prefix than the original (single) oid in the input pdu

Implement PDU splitting if PDU is too big

Member Function Documentation

void set const MCPdu pdu  ) 

Set the specified object/variable(s) to the target.

Implement SNMP set operation

MCPdu walk const MCPdu pdu  ) 

Walk the target starting at the first object in the pdu.

To simultaneously walk pdus > length 1 use getNext or getBulk as appropriate. The walk stops at the first object that has a different prefix to the oid in the original pdu

Generated on Wed Jan 12 19:05:51 2005 for MCLLIB by  doxygen